Yesterday I started reading the “Sovereign Individual”. The book narrates the changes our society is going through, what and how the future will unfold. It’s quite old now, it was written before the year 2000. Yet I cannot comprehend how accurate everything they have written is, and how it is still so prevalent and important.
It is helping me understand the position we are in, the problems we are facing and the best way to prepare for them.
Their biggest thesis so far, seems to be that our society is moving from an industrial one to an information society. These changes will be more dramatic and faster than any other in history. The main feature of this revolution is the loss of power by nation states and the increment in power to what they called the “Sovereign Individual”.
They even anticipated a form of cryptographic “cyber money” (that we now know as Bitcoin)… One that governments would be unable to track, stop and tax. This is what is going to mark the start of the downfall of the nation state.
When the power of markets fall into the hands of the people, the government instantly loses a lot of its influence. At the same time the ease of movement of these individuals is higher than ever. So if a government gets to be too constrictive, the people can easily go somewhere else where this is not the case.
Effectively this changes the relationship between government and citizens from a “farmer and cattle” (the old way) to a “customer” (the new). Governments will have to adapt to be able to attract the best and brightest minds, those who don’t, will see their talent escape to other jurisdictions.
This to my ears sounds amazing, power to the people, and less authority to government sounds exactly what humanity needs. But it is not all roses, the book also details how in order to reach that stage first all modern institutions must collapse (which they will). They explain how the state will try to hold on to their ever fleeting power by turning more tyrannical and oppressive than ever.
I believe much of what we are seeing today stems from this, a lot of the division and oppression happening comes from the state realizing their power is fading and they want to hold on to it. Of course, the more strength they use, the more resistance is generated towards them in a vicious cycle that ends with their own destruction.
I believe there are hard times ahead of us, but with a light at the end of the tunnel.
The book also talks about the use of misinformation and censorship as a way to slow the upcoming revolution. And those who understand this and start preparing themselves for the changes will break free first. A sovereign individual is very hard to control and a very dangerous thing for any government to endure.
I can’t put this book down and I urge everyone to read it.
I do believe in the bottom of my heart that everything they wrote is true. Right now the government is wielding powers that we have never seen before, powers that they shouldn’t have had in the first place… And it all comes down to this… They see their end is near, they can’t stop it, everything they do will only slow it down, but it is inevitable.
My only advice is to move away from their control, first and most importantly with money. We have Bitcoin, they can’t control it, and if you use decentralized wallets and exchanges, it will be very difficult for them to trace it and tax it. At the same time owning Bitcoin and using DEFI for lending and liquidity mining means you can generate an income that is unstoppable for the government.
Once you escape their economic control you are a free individual.
Then comes the escape of their censorship and social scores. I believe we need to stop using big tech and public traded companies as much as possible. In a move to support others who do not try to manipulate and narrow the conversation we are allowed to have. Such places already exist, even though I'm sure there is still a long way to go for them… it is better to start now than to wait until we have no choice.
The future will be a very unprecedented and uncertain time. It is the age of the sovereign individual, the sooner we start acting like one, the better for all of us.
It won’t be easy, we are all too accustomed to the false safety feeling of a centralized authority. But in order to reach the next stage (which we desperately need to do) we must take responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones. Make no mistake, we are in the midst of the revolution right now, it is happening as we speak. So pay attention! Look at the signs! And prepare yourselves! We will be free!